The teams at Colis Privé France are evolving, and so are its employees!

Here are the profiles of two Colis Privé employees who started as temporary workers: Chloe Halgrain, an order picker at the Artenay hub, and Audrey Cichosz, a supervisor at the Caen hub.

Chloé Halgrain

Hello Chloé. Can you tell us a bit about your background and your arrival at Colis Privé as a temp?

Hello, my name is Chloe Halgrain, I joined Colis Privé in May as a temporary employee. Before this, I worked in a kindergarten, and it was somewhat by chance that I got into the transportation sector.

What do you particularly enjoy about your role at Colis Privé?

My daily tasks allow me to move around, which suits me very well as I do not like to stay in one place for too long! Moreover, my position is versatile; I can be involved in re-labelling, managing non-mechanical parcels or even helping to receive trucks in the transit area. Hugues Walemme, manager of the Artenay hub, quickly offered you a position, which you accepted. Apart from your interest in the mission, what made you decide to join Colis Privé?

The atmosphere in the company is very pleasant, with a good mix of people on the floor, which helps create a relaxed and supportive environment. Colis Privé is a company that listens to its employees. There's always someone available to advise us, and communication is very fluid.

Audrey Cichosz

Hello Audrey. Can you briefly introduce yourself?

Hello, my name is Audrey Cichosz, and I am a supervisor at the Colis Privé agency in Caen, on a permanent contract since 14 August. I started as a temp on 30 May to assist the customer relations officer. I then heard about a job vacancy and applied.

How was the recruitment process?

I went through three interview rounds: with the agency director, the HR manager and the regional director, each meeting being a crucial step.

Can you tell us about your career path?

Before joining Colis Privé, I spent two years with FedEx as a temp. My job was directly linked to the package's route. This experience was a real asset in my interviews.

What is your role as a supervisor?

My role involves monitoring the drivers, which was the mission of the network follow-up manager. In addition to this, the supervisor role covers other tasks: managing returns, handling complaints and monitoring collections.

How would you describe the atmosphere at Colis Privé?

The atmosphere within the agency is really pleasant! Colleagues really listen to each other and help each other out.

Do you have any plans for the future with Colis Privé?

For the moment, I'm settling in and the position suits me very well. For any future positions, we'll see as time goes by.

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