Privacy Policy

1. Preamble

1. COLIS PRIVE BELGIQUE sa/nv, with its registered office at
Avenue des Arts/Kunstlaan 56, 1000 Brussels, (‘Colis Privé’), as the data controller, has committed to a policy of compliance with regulations regarding the protection of personal data. 

2. For its economic activity, Colis Privé must collect and process personal data relating to its customers, candidates, visitors to its website, mobile application and social networks, recipients of parcels delivered by Colis Privé and its emails, as well as its business partners. 

3. To develop its business with respect for individuals’ rights, Colis Privé has implemented the necessary technical and organisational measures to protect the personal data it processes. 

4. The purpose of this policy is to present the commitments made by Colis Privé to protect personal data. 

2. Legal bases and purposes of our data processing

5. Colis Privé collects your personal data on the following legal bases:

  • Based on your consent:
    • to install cookies on your device;
    • to send you newsletters;
    • to process applications received;
    • to carry out targeted marketing activities by Colis Privé or its partners.
  • Based on pre-contractual and/or contractual obligations to you or a customer of Colis Privé (Article 6 b. of the GDPR) and notably to ensure:
    • parcel delivery services and taking into account changes in delivery data;
    • monitoring Colis Privé services;
    • communicating with recipients and other parties regarding the services;
    • responding to requests for (additional) information;
    • complaint handling;
    • dispute resolution;
    • preparing agreements (for example, linking the shipment tracking number to your account so you can track your shipment);
    • processing your request for cooperation as a delivery partner or company;
    • processing applications received. 

Processing your personal data for the aforementioned purposes based on pre-contractual and/or contractual obligations to you is a contractual requirement. This can also be a condition for entering into a contract. Therefore, failure to provide the required data makes it impossible to enter into or carry out the contract.

  • Based on compliance with our legal obligations. In certain cases, including our accounting requirements and the processing of your request relating to your privacy rights, we are subject to certain obligations which require us to process and/or transfer certain data to specified authorities or bodies by law. Processing of your personal data for the fulfilment by Colis Privé of its legal obligations is a legal obligation. Therefore, failure to provide the required data makes it impossible to fulfil your legal rights or obligations.
  • Based on Colis Privé’s legitimate interest in processing your data for the following purposes:
    • conducting targeted Colis Privé marketing activities and promoting Colis Privé services possibly in relation to participating partners;
    • analysing statistics or trends, when the legitimate interest of Colis Privé is the improvement of our services;
    • administratively and technically managing and operating the website;
    • preventing, detecting and fighting against possible fraud and abuse;
    • responding to your requests;
    • assessing the quality of our delivery service. 

3. Categories of processed data

The personal data concerning you processed by Colis Privé are as follows: 

  • Social media contact: 

Data processed: last name / first name / user name, comments 

  • Newsletter subscription (companies or individuals): 

Data processed: last name / first name, email address 

  • Complaint handling and dispute resolution: 

Data processed: last name / first name, email address, postal address, telephone number(s), complaint reason and details, optional data 

  • Spontaneous application or response to an offer: 

Data processed:title, last name / first name, email address, application data (CV, cover letter: postal address, professional background, diploma, etc.), additional message 

  • Website navigation, administrative and technical management of the Website, fraud prevention/detection/combat: 

Data processed: IP address, metadata (time, connection date), cookies 

  • Delivery partner cooperation request: 

Information processed: company name, company status, transport license if applicable, telephone number, postal address, email address, additional details, comments 

  • Partnership request / business contact: 

Data processed: company name, contact person’s name/first name, postcode, email address, telephone number, sector of activity, contact person’s position, postal address, town, request/message  

  • Parcel shipping services and tracking of these services: 

Data processed: title, last name / first name, email address, telephone number(s), postal address, parcel number, additional address details and location, additional delivery information/instructions 

  • (Targeted) marketing activities: 

Data processed: commercial prospecting: last name, first name, postal address, point of contact with customer (shipper) 

Our website, mobile application and social media are not intended for minors. We do not knowingly collect data from children. 

4. Recipients of your data

The data collected is subject to computer processing and are intended for Colis Privé’s own use, another data controller as the recipient, a subcontractor for services performed on its behalf (listed in the table below), and, if required, public bodies, judicial auxiliaries, ministerial officers (compliance with our legal obligations), and solely for the purposes defined in ‘2) Legal bases and purposes of processing’. 

Please see below the categories of recipients of your data:

Colis Privé is part of the CEVA group, and as part of this group, Colis Privé shares personal data with CEVA for IT support, follow-up of customer requests and respecting the rights of data subjects under Chapter III of the GDPR, as well as for administrative support of the company. 

  • Creatic Agency (France) for the maintenance of the website;
  • Campel’s & Co. (France) for data analysis;
  • OVH for hosting the website;
  • Carriers/Suppliers for parcel delivery;
  • Webhelp for handling complaints;
  • Trustpilot for satisfaction surveys;
  • Within the CEVA Group to develop joint offers to B2B customers;
  • Service providers – for the duration and objectives of promotional activities and campaigns;
  • Google Analytics to collect cookies (if you have consented);
  • Google Ads and Meta Ads for marketing campaigns;  
  • Social networks (LinkedIn and Meta) when you visit the official pages of Colis Privé on these platforms. 

Colis Privé ensures that only authorised persons have access to this data. 

5. Transfers of your data

Colis Privé will only transfer your data outside the European Union to its subcontractor Webhelp, a French company whose entities processing claims are located in Madagascar, Algeria and Turkey. In this case, Colis Privé has concluded standard contractual clauses with Webhelp, in accordance with the recommendations of the European Commission, so that the transfer complies with the applicable regulations. 

If Colis Privé needed to transfer data outside the European Union outside of these derogatory cases or to other subcontractors, it would only do so after taking the necessary and appropriate measures to ensure a level of protection and security of personal data equivalent to that offered within the European Union, of which it would inform you in advance. 

6. Data retention periods

Colis Privé retains your data for a strictly necessary period for the purposes pursued and in accordance with the Regulations. The retention period may vary depending on the purpose of the processing. 

  • Data related to contact or cooperation requests from delivery partners and businesses: 1 year after the last contact. 
  • Data related to newsletter distribution: Until unsubscribed from the newsletter.  
  • Data related to applications: Immediate deletion of unsuccessful applications and retention for 2 years from receipt of applications for which action is taken. 
  • Data related to parcel shipping services, tracking of these services, complaint handling and dispute resolution:
    9 months from the last action on the parcel, or from the end of the processing of a complaint if one has been made. 
  • The data relating to your request and your legal claims will be processed during the fulfilment of your request or claim and within the limitation period of the claims. 
  • Data that can be used for the technical management of the Website (connection data, identity data): 6 months for user logs. 

The following action constitutes a ‘last contact’: 

  • The last communication from the person who sent a request. 

It is specified that these data may be retained in accordance with the applicable prescription rules in the intermediate archive and restricted access in order, notably, to comply with applicable legal obligations. 

7. Data security

Colis Privé places particular importance on the security of personal data. 

Appropriate technical and organisational measures are implemented to ensure that data is processed in a manner that guarantees protection against loss, destruction or accidental damage that could compromise its confidentiality or integrity. 

When developing, designing or selecting and using various tools that enable the processing of your personal data, Colis Privé ensures that they provide an optimal level of protection for the data being processed. 

Colis Privé thus implements measures that respect the principles of data protection by design and by default. 

8. Subcontracting

When using a service provider, Colis Privé only communicates personal data to it after having obtained from it a commitment and a guarantee of its ability to meet the security and confidentiality requirements. Colis Privé contracts with its subcontractors in compliance with its legal and regulatory obligations by contractually defining the conditions and terms of processing personal data by these subcontractors. 

9. Your rights

Colis Privé places particular importance on the respect of your rights in the context of the data processing it carries out. As such, it aims to ensure fair and transparent processing, taking into account the particular circumstances and context in which your personal data is processed. 

9.1 Your right of access 

This right allows you to confirm whether or not your personal data is being processed, and to what extent. If this is the case, you have the right to request a copy of your data and your information. 

9.2 Your right to rectify your data 

You can ask us to rectify or complete your personal data, where applicable, if it is inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous or outdated. 

9.3 Your right to the erasure of your data 

You may request the erasure of your personal data when one of the following conditions applies: 

  • the personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed; 
  • you revoke the consent you previously gave; 
  • you object to the processing of your personal data where there are no compelling legitimate grounds for processing it; 
  • the data processing is not carried out in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation and regulations.  

Your attention is drawn to the fact that the right to erasure of data is not a general right and can only be granted if one of the conditions provided for in the applicable regulations exists. 

Thus, if none of these grounds is present, Colis Privé will not be able to grant your request; this will be the case if it is required to retain the data due to a legal or regulatory obligation or for the establishment, exercise, or defence of legal rights. 

9.4 Your right to restrict data processing 

You may request restriction of processing of your personal data in cases provided for by legislation and regulations. 

9.5 Your right to object to data processing 

You have the right to object at any time, for reasons related to your particular situation, to the processing of your personal data where the legal basis is the legitimate interest. 

If you exercise such a right of objection, Colis Privé will ensure that it no longer processes your personal data in the context of the processing in question, unless we can demonstrate legitimate and compelling reasons for continuing this processing. These reasons must prevail over your interests and rights and freedoms, or the processing must be justified for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal rights. 

9.6 Your right to data portability 

You have the right to data portability. Please note that this is not a general right. Not all data from all processing operations are portable, and this right only concerns automated processing, excluding manual or paper processing. 

This right is limited to processing operations based on your consent or the execution of pre-contractual measures or a contract. 

The right to data portability cannot prejudice the rights and freedom of third parties, such as those protected by trade secrets. 

9.7 Your right to withdraw your consent 

When the data processing we carry out is based on your consent, you can withdraw it at any time. Colis Privé will then cease processing your personal data without affecting the previous operations for which you had given consent. 

9.8 The right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing 

For its activities, Colis Privé may implement automated data processing. You have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing that produces legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly affects you, except where such a decision is necessary for the conclusion or performance of a contract or is legally authorised. 

9.9 Your right to lodge a complaint 

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent data protection authority:  

For Belgium 

Data Protection Authority
Rue de la Presse/Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels
+32 (0)2 274 48 00
+32 (0)2 274 48 35

For Luxembourg 

CNPD in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (15, Boulevard du Jazz L-4370 Belvaux) 

9.10 Your right to define post-mortem directives 

You have the option of defining specific directives regarding the retention, erasure and communication of your personal data after your death with our services according to the defined modalities below. These specific directives will only concern processing operations carried out by us and will be limited to this scope only. 

9.11 Modalities for exercising your rights 

Requests regarding the exercise of your rights are made by
email to the following address

This email address is not intended to receive applications, questions regarding the delivery of your orders or to handle your complaints relating to Colis Privé services. For these questions, please contact customer services. 

10. Modification of this document

We invite you to consult this policy regularly on our website. It may be updated at any time.

Effective date: 05 August 2024.